Portraits of Dreams by Michael Van der Tol

Portrait of Dreams – aamora from Michael Van der Tol on Vimeo.

Aamora acknowledges and thanks:

Michael Van der Tol for conceiving and producing”Portrait of Dreams”, the aamora members and guests who made the portraits, and their subjects who so generously shared their time and their “dreams”:

Chandra, photographed by Diane Peterson
Sarah, photographed by Catharine Amato
Crystal, photographed by Aaron Schwartz
Alexis, photographed by John Linton
Stefan, and Ronnie, both photographed by Ronnie Ginnever
D.A.Windle, photographed by Marie Wilson
Sheralee, photographed by Alexis Gerard, and
Quinna, photographed by Maura Wolfson-Foster

The song “Brake” is by Canadian artist Melissa McClelland from her “Victoria Day” album.

(If you would prefer an alternative to viewing the slide show in the window above, try viewing it by clicking here.)

Michael Van der Tol, founding aamora member, lives in Qualicum Beach, British Columbia. His photographic work focuses on rural & landscapes. View more of his work on his website on his blog or here on aamora.

Founder of aamora.com, Aaron Schwartz, is a photographer, actor, lawyer, writer, and flaneur based in Toronto. You can view more of Aaron’s work at his website, on JPG Magazine, or on aamora.

John Linton is aamora.com’s floundering member living in Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, the state with the biggest name and smallest size. View more of John’s work on his Flickr stream, JPG Magazine or aamora.

Vancouver born Marie Wilson, was one of the first aamora.com members. Marie is a writer, photographer, artist, actor, mother & muse living in Toronto. View her work on her website, on JPG Magazine or on aamora.

19 thoughts on “Portraits of Dreams by Michael Van der Tol”

  1. I totally agree with all the above said! And I want to add that these kind of group presentations are invaluable in our fragmented world and a magnificient complement to this blog’s wonderful contributions! Well done, Mike! Hope to see further initiatives of this kind.

  2. Thanks so much, Mike, for organizing this and putting it all together in such a wonderful slide show. It inspires reflection and contemplation. Each portrait, a glimpse into a life, and the music is great!

  3. Thank you, Mr. Tol, for the publicity. I’m expecting to hear from Mr DD Lewis any day now as I’m sure he’s seen this. (Thanks also to my photographer…I forget his name just now but he’s real nice…)

  4. Thanks for all the kind feedback. My editor (Aaron), the photographers, and the people who shared something very personal deserve all of the credit. I am so glad the presentation resonated with many of you. It’s never too late to realize your dreams.

    Thank you Diane, Catharine, Aaron, John, Ronnie, Marie, Alexis Gerard, and Maura.

  5. Hu! First of all, CONGRATULATIONS to Michael for this excellent production!!! Bravo, man! And secondly, CONGRATULATIONS to each and everyone that you have informed in this wonderful project.

  6. This is excellent! As one in career transition right now, it gave me goosebumps and inspired me to take the chances one needs to take to love what they do!

  7. Wonderful montage, the music you chose was beautiful. Loved it. You continue to suprise me.

  8. Wow, such an amazing testimony!! I loved how you used the different ages of people!! Breathtaking!!

  9. Thanks so much for doing this Michael. An excellent idea very well realised and good music! I’m really glad to have had the opportunity to contribute! And your next creative idea is….?!

  10. D U D E ! Words fail me…Like…Wait…Let me think…

    D U D E ! This totally…like…Rocks!

    You slay me, man.

  11. MikeV, this is so much more than I imagined it would be! You have created an awe-inspiring montage of faces, words, and music, reaffirming my core belief that “We are God”. What a tour de force. My love & gratitude, ~ M

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