Some aamora friends joined an online mandala workshop run by Jolie Bucchanan and here are some festive results!
With Season’s Greetings to all aamora friends!

We started off with our own photos but played around with each other’s, too, and collaborated on some. We learnt to mirror and flip and align images and use specific software to create effects.
The group-
Jolie Buchanan (our tutor!)is a multi-media artist based in Columbus, IN. Her work is primarily focused around painting, pottery, photography and old school printing presses. She is working towards her LMHC (Licensed Mental Health Counselor) and a masters in art therapy.
Her Instagram and Facebook pages
Lisa E. Luhman is a photographer based in Grand Junction, Colorado. You can connect with Lisa and view more of her work on Facebook and Instagram
Chris Whitney is a regular contributor to aamora.
His interview , his poetry, and his writing and images in “Monochromatic Mark”
Sonia Adam Murray is an artist based in Sarasota, Florida. Her interview with aamora, and more of her work on Flickr
Leanna Lomanski is an aamora conributor, check out her posts on aamora
Catharine Amato originally from the UK, living in Italy for many years.
Her work can be seen here