Category Archives: FEATURED ARTIST

People of the Klein Karoo Part 2 by Jill Coleman

Here’s the second installment we promised of Jill Coleman’s powerful portraits of the people of the Klein Karoo.

(Here’s part 1) Your comments and shares are most welcome. And when you scroll down, you’ll find out about the much anticipated upcoming book of Jill’s work.


Jill tells us:

“People Of The Klein Karoo is a photo essay done over a period of five years. It is taken of a small farming community in the Western Cape of South Africa. There is Hendrik, Beetjie and more including my favourite Hans.

We are trying to publish a book and raise funds to get it printed. This will benefit me as well as the folks there. These ten images are just part of a series of literally thousands of images. I am trying to raise funds from the book to be able to travel elsewhere and do another series of photographs.

I am a recovering alcoholic and bipolar and have spent the better part of four years in Psychiatric Institutions where my treatment was appalling, I intend to do something about this and have written to various magazines about my treatment. This book will help the injustices of this sometimes terrible land we live in. “

click here for more information