The aunties wore floral-patterned dresses circa 1946 and sensible shoes from the same era, though we were entering the 1960s. Their Christmas corsages brushed my cheek as they embraced me at the door and the scent of their dusting powder filled my nose.
by Marie Wilson
Story continued here: http://bymariewilson.com/christmas-eve-shaughnessy-heights/

Aaron Schwartz– founder of aamora
Thankyou all for contributing, and wishing all our friends, contributors and followers all the best for 2021……. surely things can only get better!
I left a comment, but for some reason, it is not here so I will try once more. Thank you so much for including my works together with these beautiful creations I am sincerely grateful. I would like to wish everyone happy holidays and to those who celebrate Christmas a Merry Christmas. And I especially want to thank Catharine for all her dedicated hard work in keeping Aamora going and exposing the beautiful works of so many artists. You are a hero my friend and should be recognized for what you do!
Thankyou Sonia for your kind words!
Thank you so much for including my works with these wonderful creations! I wish everyone very happy holidays and a Merry Christmas and hope and pray that 2021 is a much happier year bringing us closer to diversity, understanding, unity, and love. And a big thank you to Catharine for all the hard work you put into Aamora, you are amazing!