Project Launch and Contest Roll-out
Triptych: a work of art divided in three panels.
Welcome To Aamora Project Triptych
& Project Triptych Contest Launch
Aamora Project Triptych:
Over the coming month, Aamora will be publishing tutorials for triptych creation & triptych artwork by aamora members and special guests.
Contest Details:
During this time, Aamora invites friends to create a triptych and/or collaborate with other artist and friends you have. We have set up a discussion area on our facebook page to help with questions, conversation and collaboration for anyone to use.
Contest Rules:
(1) 3 panels making one piece
(2) Submission scaled to 550px wide
note: as an example, the triptych above is 550px width x 200px tall
(3) Artwork is your original creation
(4) Each contestant may submit two electronic files at no cost
(5) All entries must include artist(s) name and title of artwork
(6) E-mail completed entries to [email protected]
Contest Timeline:
Submissions Begin: September 22, 2011
Submissions End/Judging Begins: October 22, 2011
Published Results: Throughout November 2011
Contest Winners:
Aamora editors & curators will select & publish winning contestant entries from the general public during November 2011 for the following categories:
- Best by solo artist (photo)
- Best by solo artist (digital art)
- Best by solo artist (painting)
- Best by solo artist – Wildcard (up to you!)
- Best by artist trio collaboration (photo)
- Best by artist trio collaboration (digital art)
- Best by artist trio collaboration (painting)
- Best by artist trio collaboration – Wildcard (up to you!)
Thank you to Jim Robertson, Jolie Buchanan and Aaron Schwartz for kicking off the contest with their Triptych collaboration Hop, Skip, Jump.
Founding Aamora member, Jim Robertson, follows the photographic path in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. You can view more of Jim’s work at his website or his contributions to aamora. (Jim’s the Hopper).
Aamora member Jolie Buchanan is a painter, potter & photographer based in Columbus, Indiana, USA; Enjoy Jolie’s work on her website or her contributions on aamora. (Jolie’s the Skipper).
Founder of Aamora, Aaron Schwartz, is a photographer, actor, lawyer, writer, and flaneur based in Toronto. View Aaron’s work at his website, on JPG Magazine, or here on aamora. (Aaron’s the Jumper [you probably guessed that already]).
Project Triptych
View the series
UPDATE….Project Triptych has been extended; It is now an ongoing project of Aamora; for the Contest, there is no limit to submissions by a single artist.
Me too!
Aamora Friends, you can find ongoing discussion, collaboration in on our Facebook page; Just click here: aamora’s FB page or send your entries in to: [email protected]
I’ll gladly work with two of photographers on a triptych…providing anyone wants to work with me…