The Open Secret by Claudia Lüthi: Aamora Project Secret

The Open Secret by Claudia Lüthi

{The Open Secret}

Notice the smile on her face?

Well, you see, in trying to keep the secret secret, all those walls were built. And indeed, in trying to unveil the secret, the walls were created.

And so, as long as there was trying to unveil the secret, the walls remained walls and the secret was always hidden. But with the collapse of the trying, with the collapse of trying to reach the secret as a goal to be achieved, the hidden collapsed into the walls, and the walls into the hidden.

And so, there was never really anything hidden, and there were never really any walls, in the first place. The obvious present appearance of it is all there is.

Claudia Lüthi is an amateur photographer living in Lima, Peru. View more of Claudia’s work on JPG Magazine in el lente de la coneja or here on aamora.

Aamora Project Secret
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