15 thoughts on “Word on the Street by Marie Wilson”

  1. Pure poetry direct from the universe to us through your eyes and lens

  2. I love this! Nice to see how some people can find art in everything! Love the color!

  3. Proof that wonderous things can and do happen when you slow down and look, calmly wait and then make your move. Of course, talent and training are a big part of the mix.

  4. Thank you all for your comments and playful takes on this street art. As for my waiting for the right moment, Kelly:

    As a mattress of fact, I almost missed getting these shots. I had intended to go out and shoot the mattress but forgot and then Aaron heard the garbage truck up the road. I threw on some clothes and dashed out the door and started clicking – just in the nick of time.

  5. i bet this took some waiting up for just the right moment…very clever – and deep, you deep girl you…

  6. This is just wonderful! I just got a new mat rest, so farewell old one!

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