Oscar by Marie Wilson & Tom D. Henry

Only a few days till the 83rd Academy Awards show. These drawings by Tom D. Henry have inspired an Oscar quiz written by Marie Wilson.


1. Woody Allen has been nominated twenty-one times with a total of three wins. Yet he’s only made one appearance at the Academy Awards ceremony. What was the reason for his appearance?



2. Black Swan is Natalie Portman’s second Oscar nomination. What was her first?



3. What was the name of the character James Stewart portrayed for which he won his only Oscar? And what was the movie?



4. JD Salinger despised Hollywood. Yet he has a connection to Oscar. Name it.



13 thoughts on “Oscar by Marie Wilson & Tom D. Henry”

  1. Love Tom Henry’s drawings, but am not so well informed on Oscar lore. I loved reading all the comments!

  2. J Harvey, your knowledge astounds moi. I believe the only answer you didn’t get is that which you say: the last one, which you only got half right. So who is that other director? Anyone? (And PS how famous does a person have to be to get their portrait done by Mr Henry? Would a person such as I qualify, for instance?)

  3. J Harvey Linton II, I knew I could count on you! Not all your answers are correct though and I will leave it to all the other eager Oscar fans out there to provide the exact right answers. But congrats on those you got right (I’m not saying which).

  4. Woody Allen made an unannounced appearance at the 2002 Oscars to make a plea for continued filming in New York City in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.

    Natalie Portman received a Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her role in the film “Closer.”

    James Stewart played Macaulay Conner in “The Philadelphia Story.”

    His short story “Uncle Wiggly in Connecticut” was adapted into the film “My Foolish Heart.” He hated the rewrite. The film garnered nominations for Best Actress and Music.

    Francis Ford Coppola is the only other two time winner that I know of that is still living, but then no one is perfect.

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