“BEING IN THE WORLD and BEING A WORLD” (Part one) by Talia Krasicka

Talia Krasicka Layers of suffering aamora

Layers of suffering

Photograph inspired by Emmanuel Levinas’s “Useless Suffering”.
“All evil refers to suffering. It is the impasse of life and being, their absurdity, where pain does not come, somehow innocently, ‘to colour’ consciousness with affectivity. The evil of pain, the harm itself, is the explosion and most profound articulation of absurdity”.

Talia Krasicka The pupil of conscience aamora

The Pupil of Conscience: You Shall Not Murder

For Abel Living in Cain.

Talia Krasicka The Principle of Duality aamora

The Principle of Duality

“Philosophy of Perception” series

Talia Krasicka God... aamora

“God can only be present in creation under the form of absence”.

A Tribute to Simone Weil

talia Krasicka Agnosticism aamora


dedicated to Mark Rothko

Talia Krasicka Genesis aamora


“Philosophy of Perception” series.

Talia Krasicka Der Zauberberg aamora

Der Zauberberg

A Tribute to Thomas Mann.

Talia Krasicka is a Polish self-taught photographer based in Warsaw, with an academic background in humanities. Her photographic work – inspired both by her life experience and her cultural background – tends naturally towards fine art photography with a careful attention to both aesthetic quality and meaningful content. She is attracted to all kind of internally vibrant phenomena able to trigger poetic and philosophical readings. In her intensely emotional and reflective photographs, she explores different dimensions of human experience of being in the world and of being a world. Her artistic effort focuses on investigating the subtle connections existing between the hidden and the exposed, the visible and the invisible, the conscious and the unconscious. With her own visual language she distills immaterial contents permeating the material world as filtered through human consciousness. Abstract thinking and oneiric perceptions are, she says, what anchors her best in the reality ineluctably modeled by the intrinsic contradictions of human temporality and the fundamental incommunicability of individual inner life. She conceives her work merely as a trigger for the viewers’ internal dialogue with themselves and their parallel personal work of becoming who they are. You can find more of her work JPG and her site